If you are dealing with graphic design as a professional or amateur, you are used to vector drawing programs. There are two main programs used in this field today. Adobe Illustrator and Corel Draw. I focused on the use of Coreldraw for years. This was due to my engineering education. I was using AutoCAD and COrelDraw was closer to this vector design. At that time, Illustrator was trying to do vector work with Photoshop features. Anyway, this is a different matter. Let’s now explain the export process of Adobe Illustrator, which is somewhat complicated, but provides convenience in itself.
Continue reading How To Export Or Save Only Selected Area (Objects) In Adobe Illustrator?Author: emreb78
Can’t print mail in Outlook?
Can’t print mail in Outlook?
If you cannot print mail through the Outlook application. however, you can print from other applications. If you do not have such an output problem in other ms office applications. Let me explain the solution quickly.
How Do I Open Xbox PC Games Offline, No Internet?
If you’re using the Xbox PC version, you may have seen that it doesn’t open while offline. Sometimes it may not be possible to access the internet.
Continue reading How Do I Open Xbox PC Games Offline, No Internet?HDMI Connect No Sound?
I have been having the problem that the sound does not come from the TV when I connect to the projector or TV via HDMI output on my desktop computer or laptop for a long time. The other day, I reconnected my computer to TV and the problem chasing me for years still remains in its local place despite this time. I haven’t been able to know why Microsoft couldn’t solve the audio transfer problem with this HDMI cable, which has been tried with 6 different operating systems such as Windows XP, Windows 7, Windows Vista, Windows 8, Windows 8.1 and Windows 10. I didn’t know why Microsoft couldn’t solve the audio transfer problem with this HDMI cable, which has been tried with 6 different operating systems like Windows XP, Windows 7, Windows Vista, Windows 8, Windows 8.1 and Windows. 10. Nvidia graphics cards, AMD graphics cards, Intel integrated graphics cards, laptop systems, desktop systems and many other configurations had the same problem. Whenever I encounter this problem, I curse the entire PC industry. Then I calm down and apply the solution. Here is a permanent solution to this frustrating problem.
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